Like every other young girl I always dreamed of a perfect future for myself. I had my future pictured to suit and feel like Cinderella's story. I saw myself having most if not all I would need because my parents could afford what I needed. Going off to high school, graduating with perfect grades and no hutches along the way, getting admission into the university to study any professional course of my choice. Next was to graduate with a first class, get a good paying job and marry the man of my dreams and live happily ever after. This same picture is what every lady has when growing but then is that what we really get? Do the blows of this world miss us and go over to the males? Are we secured from the various giants, mountains and stumbling blocks? Not to mention the emotional, physical and mental disrespect from the society, the discouragement from close friends and family. Maybe some ladies have it all smooth and rosy but I never did. I neither graduated from my high school from the department I wanted to though my results were good but not perfect, I didn't have the luxury of choosing a professional course I loved to study, I never waned to attend the university I attend. I'm sure you would say I got encouragement from way. That was another battle I kept and keep fighting every single day I wake up. My life was nothing compared to Cinderella's. This would be the story of a mainland young girl who has grown to be more than what people believed she would.