If asked, every one of us has some goals set before us we all wake up each blessed day to accomplish. We are all so focused at the end result that we forget most times that it is a process. Life itself is a process which without it, we just cannot accomplish that set goal in front of us.
Let me take you on a journey into my diary:
January 2, 2018
A Plan about Starting an Orphanage.
The picture of having a home for orphans and ladies and guys who have been abused is a seed that has just been planted in my heart today. It is a seed that I know would go a long way to see through the abused and less privileged in the society.
There are lotta orphanages and motherless baby homes but they don’t really get to do much or what is expected. It is not just about providing food, shelter, home, clothing for these people. The world has gone past all of that. What they need is far more than material needs. My project has just been an eye-opener for me. It has opened me up to know what and what is needed actually in the world. While a lot of people use food, clothes, home to cover up their needs, they yearn internally for a mind-reader to help them with what they actually need. The little children begging in the streets don’t need your money anymore coz they are used as workers by older women rather they need your mental, spiritual support. They need to know that they are way more than what they can see presently. They need someone to believe in them so as to also believe in themselves also.
I can remember where exactly I was sitting on Tuesday the 2nd of January. I went for a sleepover at a friend’s place and I went straight to the dining table and wrote down all that. I had no prior thoughts about anything I wrote, all I knew was I begun to write those words down. After writing that down I took my mind off of it. You are wondering why? I was writing my final year project and I wasn’t even in the right frame of mind to start breaking all that I penned down in my little black book. I only mentioned it to my friend and my spiritual head, and they were like, ‘wow this is big’. In my head I was like ‘yes I know this is big, but please can we just focus on the present work in my hands’.
Now, why this entire story? This is exactly 11 months later and I’m in my bed, unable to catch some rest from the day’s work, having one of my favorite midnight snacks (cake) keep me company and I’m trying to evaluate my progress in all my set goals for the year and I’m worried about not meeting up with my targeted goals. And I hear that still small voice ‘ENJOY THE PROCESS’. After pondering upon that statement, I realized that with the progress I have made, I have not diluted myself into the process. I have always been all about my destination. You are guilty of that too. (I can hear you acknowledge that). We all are too concerned about the end product that we forget to focus more on the journey or process that gives the end product.
Getting to your destination or achieving your goal is just like making up. Never would you see a makeup artist being all uptight or being so focused at achieving a look, rather you realize that they enjoy every stroke of the pencil, blending of the eyeshadows, highlighting and contouring. And then that glow comes forth. Stop being all uptight and beating yourself because you cannot see the visible progress the way you envision it to be. Rome was not built in a day, week, month or year. Look back at where you started from, that shit hole you emerged from, that garage, warehouse etc. look at your failures and scars. Embrace them all and pat yourself at the back and say ‘you have done pretty well, enough of beating up me. Time to enjoy the process’.
Oh! Don’t worry about my proposed orphanage, it’s a goal. Sometimes it takes baby steps of visions to actualize a goal. I can say I’m doing pretty well in giving ears to the emotional and psychological needs of the vulnerable. I’m just ENJOYING THE PROCESS.
Here is my thought, set little growth goals, actualize them and move on to bigger ones. It's easy to dream of all good things we want to do, it's better if we break them to smart goals, specific growth goals, and it's best if we start implementing those little steps.
I am you number one fan forever!