20s is generally a time of experimentation, parties, and freedom, but as anyone who's been there recently can tell you, it's also super STRESSFUL. And it matters . A lot. Here are a list of things you should put in mind during this age group journey: Invest in self-knowledge. "Your 20s is the best time to start understanding yourself," writes Agarwal. "You should know what upsets you and what makes you happy. Realize what is the thing that would motivate you in times of greatest failure.” "Learn something about yourself," writes Andrew Gumperz. "Our biggest learning task in life is learning who we are." Distance yourself from drama. You really don't need problematic, energy-sucking people in your life. "Avoid toxic and clingy people," says Roger Austen. "These people are time wasters." Cuff your tech. 20+ are notorious for being tied to their smartphones 24/7 . Learn to set reasonable limits to your usage ...